Come Home with this Christian T shirt
Have you ever looked at the skies and thought to yourself “someone please take
me home”? If you have, this Christian t shirt was designed for you.
Come home with our new Christian
To be at home in a world where just about everything has turned fast and meaningless is a truly invaluable blessing. In a world full of fast and online living where we endlessly compare ourselves to others and strive to have things we don’t need, so many of us feel lost and alone. Lacking in life’s essentials like satisfaction, joy, happiness, and inner peace. And find themselves without that feeling of a place where they can truly come home.
Home, is where we rest our heads, let the burdens of the outside world slip from our shoulders, and where we can simply belong. God calls us all home to HIM saying “All your weary and burdened come to me, I shall give you peace and rest”.
LicNChrist, a Christian clothing brand
It is exactly this peace and rest that we receive when we come home to belief, when we come home to HIM, that we wanted to convey in our new Christian tshirts design with a pink option just for women. Bringing that feeling of inner peace, rest, and that feeling of a home with HIM to those who need it. Especially now, when so many of us feel stressed and alone, having lost touch with our inner peace with everything that is going in on in the world today and has been going on in the world for the past two years. It has not been easy. Therefore, we wanted to bring a new design of Christian t shirt to our Christian clothing brand that offered comfort and peace of mind. Reminding you that with HIM, you always have a place to come home to.